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Commercial Glass Repair LA

Broken commercial glass is a storeowner’s worst nightmare. While you can plan ahead, employ security measures, and minimize potential problems, it may still happen to your storefront though. At that point standing in front of the broken glass, it’s essential to follow the right steps.

Take Photos and File a Police Report

The first thing you should do upon discovering broken glass in your commercial store is to call the police. Generally, they request that you not disturb the glass or store and remain at your store until they arrive unless you believe you are in immediate danger.

You can take photographs of the damage while you’re on the phone with the dispatcher. Make sure you do not touch anything or walk through the glass, but you can take photos from various angles around the building for documentation purposes.

Once the police do arrive, they will photograph or video everything. At that point, you will be asked to walk through the store and see if anything is missing. Ensure you get the report number and a contact to ask for the full report for insurance purposes.

Call LA Glass Company for Board Up

The next step is to board up your store with plywood to protect the interior from further damage. You could do this yourself, but you probably do not keep the supplies around your store, and running to a hardware store while trying to handle broken storefront glass is impractical.

Instead, call LA Glass Company. The company offers a 24/7 emergency glass board-up service with fast dispatches. Typically, your storefront can be boarded up within a few hours of your call so you can focus on the recovery effort.

Work with Your Insurance Company

Your commercial insurance company will be part of the recovery process. Typically, you can give your insurance company a heads up that you will be filing a claim and determine if they need to send out an adjuster. However, the process may be held up until you can provide the police report.

Once your insurance company approves your claim, you can move everything along to get a new glass storefront to replace the broken glass. Generally, LA Glass Company can work with any insurance company to aid you in the process.

Have LA Glass Company Make the Repair

LA Glass Company is a premier option to replace your broken glass with new commercial storefront glass. LA Glass Company offers a variety of types of commercial glass to meet your needs.

With a fast turnaround time, the professionals at LA Glass Company can quickly install a premium storefront with security features, tints, and other customizations.

Do you need an emergency board up for broken windows at your commercial storefront? Call LA Glass Company, and we’ll have experts dispatched within the hour, no matter the time of day.